dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery, Its me again, your hopeful admirer, your ardent suitor, the one who dreams of your golden embrace. You know, the one who spends countless hours meticulously picking those six little numbers, hoping against hope that this time, just this time, theyll align with your whims. I know, I know, youre a fickle mistress, a capricious charmer, always teasing with the promise of a lifealtering fortune, only to leave me hanging, wallet empty and heart heavy. But I cant help but hold onto that glimmer of hope, that fragile dream, that maybe, just maybe, this time youll bestow your blessings upon me. Think of the possibilities, dear Lottery! Imagine the joy, the freedom, the endless opportunities that your favor would grant. Id finally be able to chase those longheld dreams, the ones that have been relegated to the dusty corners of my mind, suffocated by the weight of bills and obligations. Id travel the world, experience cultures so diverse, savor every moment with a heart overflowing with gratitude. Id support the causes close to my heart, giving back to the community that has nurtured me. Id spend quality time with loved ones, forging memories that would last a lifetime. But more importantly, dear Lottery, Id finally be able to breathe. To take a deep breath and feel the weight of financial burdens lift from my shoulders. To experience the true meaning of peace, knowing that the future holds no fear, only boundless possibilities. So, dear Lottery, please, hear my plea. Grant me your grace, your fortune, your lifechanging smile. Let me be one of your lucky chosen ones, and together, well embark on a journey filled with joy, freedom, and endless possibilities. With hope and longing, Your devoted admirer.

dear lottery