dear lottery ticket price

dear lottery ticket price

Dear Lottery Ticket, Your Price Is Too High Dear Lottery Ticket, Its me, your hopeful buyer. I know, I know, youre a piece of paper with a chance to change my life. You hold the key to dreams, financial freedom, and maybe even a trip to the Bahamas. I get it. But, darling, your price is just too high. Youre asking for a hefty chunk of my hardearned money, and honestly, its starting to feel like a gamble I cant afford. I see you sitting there, on that brightly colored rack, surrounded by others promising the same impossible dream. And every time I reach for you, I think about the things I could buy with that money: groceries, bills, maybe even a little something for myself. Dont get me wrong, I understand the allure. The thought of winning is intoxicating. But the reality is, the odds are stacked against me. And frankly, Im starting to feel like Im just pouring my money down a bottomless well. Maybe one day, youll become more affordable. Maybe one day, Ill have enough money to spare. But until then, Im afraid well just have to say goodbye. Sincerely, Your hopefully future winner

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